The Oregon coast is just....

I took Z out on the sand, He loved it. Tracks in the sand tell no lies. You can follow some and they lead you to no where. Others lead you to dead mens graves, some, not most, lead to water. Or you can make your own tracks and blaze a trail. I sugge…

I took Z out on the sand, He loved it. Tracks in the sand tell no lies. You can follow some and they lead you to no where. Others lead you to dead mens graves, some, not most, lead to water. Or you can make your own tracks and blaze a trail. I suggest you find water. 

The Oregon coast is otherworldly. 

Port of Port Orford. One of the only dry ports in the world. 

Port of Port Orford. One of the only dry ports in the world. 

Port Orford, a bit randy. 

Cape Blanco Lighthouse. They have a Fresnel Lens which makes this light house pretty fancy.

Zeke truly loved the sand.

Zeke truly loved the sand.